It is the beginning of the year and you will need to make predictions about how your year will go.

You need to estimate how much revenue you have, maybe make some orders for Oil, or order special rock from that small family quarry.

The ‘Planner’ tab will help you create a forecast for your sales for the year. Once you have the forecasts you can calculate material demand and other interesting insights on the reports page based on this data.

To get started go to your plant page on the ‘Planner’-tab and create a report. Then you will have the following options.

Historical-data view

Using the order planner you can create an annual forecast for your plant. Using the historical-data view you can estimate how your sales will be distributed throughout the year. Here you can enter curves based on your historical data.

Historical data

Material-volume view

In the material volume view you can enter your goals or predictions for how much material you will sell in total for the year. Once you have made a total estimate, you can also adjust the monthly estimates as well.

The ‘Scheduled’ values indicate how much material is actually booked in the calendar. This way, if you check back on this forecast throughout the year you can quickly see how you are performing against your plan.


Revenue and Summary view

In the revenue view you can add pricing information for materials, including special pricing for individual customers. The summary view gives you an overview of the collected data.

Summary view


Finally you can run reports against your forecasts to estimate material demand and other calculations.

You can also create multiple plans, to see the impact of different weather conditions or of specific customer projects coming through.

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